Monday, February 2, 2009

Clean Energy - The Christian Approach

As a Renewable Energy professional I am actively involved in creating "Clean Energy".  I truly believe that as a Christian it is our responsibility to wisely use the amazing resources God has given us.  That is why Renewable Energy is such a passion of mine. God has blessed us with natural, clean energy...the wind and sunshine. Like His love, there is a never ending supply.

If anyone would like to learn how to get involved, create a stronger economy, save money and our environment..let me know. 

God has given us everything we need in life...focus on Him and His blessings in everything you will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. We have so many know all about it and follow them well...I thank Jesus for you...I may not be as responsible...but love Him sooo are amazing...He thought I was responsible enough to have an amazing husband like take care of all this energy stuff...I just need Jesus-you-Tory-and AC in AZ in the summer!
    Love you so much...


    Psalm 42:1 As a dear pants for flowing streams. so pants my soul for You, oh God.
